Andrea and I are delighted that you have chosen to visit our web site. You are welcome to browse and get to know the ministry that God has most graciously giving us to oversee. We pray that by the grace of God, as you visit our site you will enjoy. Remember that Jesus loves you and we are here to minister to you. It is vital that people realize that the Kingdom of God exist and that when you become a citizen by the New Birth experience, you are called to be a victorious outward example of God's outward show of His Grace and Love. There are laws and principles that must be followed and applied. When these things are put into force, God's character is shown through His people. We pray that this ministry can help you in someway to experience God's victory, Grace and Love. Remember, all that God has for you has already been paid for by the Blood of His son Jesus Christ, and that the Holy Spirit is here to assist us while we journey through this life.
"We will help rid human suffering spiritually, mentally
and physically through the examples of Jesus Christ."
Please tune in for this is an inner healing ministry for the Broken as Bishop Arthur, Pastor Andrea along with their son Minister Arthur W. Ramsey III being transparent with real issues. Just down load TuneInRadio in your App Store on your phone, tablet, Ipad and type KSTL Jubilee 690AM an your there.