Cynthia Cohen International Ministries

We Believe:

  • God is the Supreme Being the creator of all.
  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He was crucified, buried and on the third day arose from the dead and now sits on the right hand of the Father.
  • In the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and baptism of Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.
  • In water baptism.
  • That because of Jesus Christ, He made it possible to walk on earth in total victory over poverty, sickness and spiritual death by accepting Him as our personal Savior.
  • That by confessing Jesus Christ as Lord over one’s life with the mouth and believing that God raised him from the dead in one’s heart brings a person into access of eternal life instantly.
  • That Faith is title deed of the thing earnestly expected and that without faith you cannot please God.
  • That Love is the greatest motivator of works and ministry.
  • That after death ones spirit exist forever in heaven or hell and where one spends eternity is based on ones decision to accept Christ as Lord and live according to His Word or deny Jesus Christ as Lord and not live according to His Word.
  • In tithing and bringing offerings into the local church. We also believe in sowing seed offerings where God leads. We believe in giving alms and caring for the poor, sick, homeless and others that are unfortunate.
  • That the Body of Christ (His Church) is the representative of Jesus Christ on earth and should show the world the example of love, joy, peace, victory, power and wealth that exist in His kingdom.
  • That all colors and nationalities of people can enjoy the benefits that Jesus Christ paid for us to have by a personal acceptance of Him as Lord in ones life.