Cynthia Cohen International Ministries

Children’s Ministries Heavenly Hands

The vision of the Children’s Ministry Heavenly Hands is to create a safe and fun environment where children are taught the Word of God with simplicity and understanding. It is designed to teach children 12 years and younger how to worship, walk in love and praise God from their hearts; while encouraging them through the anointing to read the Bible, pray, and speak the Word of God daily. As a result, the children will know how to help rid human suffering spiritually, mentally and physically through the examples of Jesus Christ.


Youth Ministries Jr. Kingdom Builder’s Getting Lit for Christ

The purpose for Jr. Kingdom Builder’s Getting Lit for Christ, is to go out into the world and raise up an army of young men and women through Jesus Christ. They will fight the good fight of faith against the immorality and deceptions that are trying to plague our young people in this generation: A army that advances the Kingdom of God who will not bow down or back down to the deceptions of satan. They will stand up for what we believe, which is the Word of God. Taking back our communities, city, schools in the name of Jesus Christ is the goal.


Girl Talk

Our goals are to manifest the standards of Christ in every way. To show through sisterhood as women the Love of God and how to pray, uphold,  lift each other up and accountability. To promote oneness and unity with Christ to enhance our personal relationship with God through monthly fellowships, teas, and retreats. Showing that we are virtuous women as well displaying the examples of the Proverbs 31 woman valuing, marriage, family and each other.


Man Cave

A program geared toward developing strong friendship and accountability among the men of BOCCC through regular gatherings and group participation. During these gatherings, the men will have a chance to discuss issues like hidden anger, low self esteem, brokenness, strongholds and addictive habits without a judgemental atmosphere. The goal will be to minister to the root of these issues, apply biblical principles and counseling, resulting in men operating in the fullnes that God created them to perform in. The men will be able to mentor boys from single parent homes and provide them with positive role models, teaching them practical life skills that will be needed to succeed.


Food Pantry

The BOCCC pantry is a self-serve, on-site storage area that is open to those in need-first meeting the needs of the congregation, then the needs in the community. Members and partners may bring donations of non-perishable food items, making sure expiration dates have not expired, and all items are useable. Sample items include, but are not limited to: beans, crackers, canned fruit, vegetables, cereals, canned meat, peanut butter, pasta sauces, toiletries….


Clothing Exchange

We try to bring in professional or work clothing to help our community. Members and partners may bring their own new/gently new, clean seasonal clothing items and accessories and/or choose clothing in by others to the self service Clothing Exchange.  Surplus clothing and other items the exchange may not have room to store, will be donated to other agencies who serve the public.


Holiday Food Baskets

Distribution in November


No More Walls and Broken Vessels

A ministry of inner healing, this ministry was ordained by God to Pastor Andrea Ramsey to help the broken women in the Body Of Christ. This ministry is unfiltered an touches on very difficult subjects such as adultery, infidelity, molestation, rape, hidden anger, outside children in the marriage and much more. The purpose of this ministry is to build the self-esteem and self worth to establish mentoring, encouragement, and to teach women to walk in wholeness through the Word of God-spirit, soul and body. No More Walls and Broken Vessels radio Broadcast is on Jubilee Kstl 690am every Monday Live at 1:00pm Central time.